Monday, June 1, 2009

The Case of the Doggy Bag

Last night I ordered pizza for dinner and there was still some left over. I hadn't tossed the box yet and it was sitting on top of the stove. There was also a box from breadsticks on top of the pizza box and some Trek toys from a cereal box I opened today (all on TOP of the pizza box). I went next door for a bit tonight and when I came back the Trek toys were no longer on top of the pizza box, they'd been knocked to the floor. (Mind you the breadstick box was still on top of the pizza box) Confused, I picked them up and set them on the counter. I picked up the pizza box intending to toss it out and it felt too light considering there should be slices left in the box. Moving the breadstick box, I opened the pizza pizza. No trace of pizza aside from the greasy stains on the box.

Meanwhile, Bluto is wagging his big dog butt next to me like he was the best dog in the world. Near as I can figure, Bluto got up, used his nose to open the pizza box enough to devour the pizza. The toys easily scattered due to being small and light but the breadstick box still had breadsticks in it (I guess he wasn't interested in those) so the box was heavy enough not to fall off as Bluto sneak attacked the pizza. When he was done and removed his big head from the box, the breadstick box assisted in closing the lid of the pizza box leaving very little evidence of his super stealth pizza theft.

Either that or someone came in, stole the pizza slices and nothing else and left. I tend to favor the dog in this case. My dog has mad, stealth skills...and will probably throw up the evidence by morning...

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