Saturday, April 4, 2009

Three Months

As of yesterday, it's been three months since Robby left. Some days I can well believe it - particularly when the kids are extra crazy. Other times, I actually feel surprise to think it's been three months. I suspect, like with pregnancy, most of the year will go by with alarming speed but the last couple months will drag on and on and never seem to end.

Today we went over to my neighbors for dinner and a movie. Her husband wanted to watch Twilight - which we own - so we took it over. Jadzia and Inara had a good time playing with their son. Besides each other, they don't often get a chance to play with other kids so it's good to let them socialize. Inara, growing more tired and clumsy toward the end of the movie, fell down half the stairs twice before we left. I suspect she'll have a shiny little bruise in the morning. Other than a few minutes of crying, though, she seemed okay once her boo-boos were all kissed. Oddly enough she had boo-boos everywhere - or so she claimed. I suspect she just wanted me to keep kissing her.

Anya, true to form, cried almost every time I put her down. She did, however, allow herself to be held by someone that wasn't me for a couple minutes - until I walked into the room when she started crying for me again. The child is all too attached to me. She has also recently discovered the fun of screaming for the sake of screaming. This is not a "I'm pissed" scream I'm refering too but a "let's make a lot of noise" scream. She does it quite well and manages to make her sisters laugh at her antics.

While the neighbors' son was over here for a little bit earlier in the day, I took the opportunity of having a boy to take pictures off - isn't he a cutie?! He wasn't really all that cooperative but he's two and two year olds rarely are cooperative.

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