Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Things About Me

This tag game has been passing around facebook lately and I was tagged by about 10 people before I finally decided to do it and be done with it. I figured it would make good content for a slow day, so here you go - 25 random little things about me that I'm sure you're all dying to know. The only one altered from my facebook note is number 25 (which linked to this blog on facebook).

1) I broke my ankle when I was 10 months old. I walked off a small stage at an amusement park. My parents didn't realize it was broken until hours later.

2) I love looking at and buying earrings - I only wear them once or twice a year. Same with other jewelry, I rarely wear anything beyond my ring but I like having it.

3) In junior high, I was officer for Speech and Drama Club. The three years at Strack were far more fun than high school.

4) In junior high I wanted to be president of the United States - I suppose there's still time but I just don't see it happening. lol

5) I love to read. 7 or 8 months ago I had no pile of to be read books and now I have over 50 with many more on my wishlist.

6) I don't remember much of my childhood before age 11.

7) I used to swim on summer swim team and loved it. I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer - I wasn't that good but it was fun. Now I don't have the stamina to swim more than a couple laps.

8) I hang the kids clothes in outfits as much for mt benefit (speed) as Robby's (knowing what goes together). Plus then I know the kids will be dressed "right".

9) I like to do digital scrapbooking but haven't done any in awhile. I did annual albums for Jadzia the first couple of years and haven't done anything for Inara or Anya. Seriously need to catch up.

10) Jadzia was born on my mom's birthday, the one day I didn't want her to be born at the time.

11) Inara was born between Robby's birthday and our Anniversary. She was a week late and at that point I didn't really care WHEN she was born.

12) I wanted Anya to be born on my dad's birthday but she wasn't.

13) Anya was named the same name as a cat we had. She was NOT named AFTER the cat but the name came from the same place for both. lol

14) I miss my hubby (okay that's a given but my mind is starting to wander lol)

15) Robby called a couple days ago and he was sick as well - at the same time as me - on the other side of the world. That just seemed weird. lol

16) I don't really like living in Hawaii. It's okay but it was only paradise for about 3 months. Now it's like the longest vacation ever (and that's not in a good way). I don't DISLIKE it, I just don't like it too much either. Maybe I'm just over it.

17) I was an English major in college - I almost never turned in a paper that wasn't a first draft (or a just barely edited second draft).

18) I think Inara's "Terrible twos" are punishment or revenge for Jadzia's being relatively easy. I shudder to think what Anya's will be like. I think Inara is more and more like my brother in law everyday and that terrifies me.

19) I hate mustard because Outback put too much on my burger once, I also dislike Outback as a result. It was a one time occurrence but it stuck. I hate tuna because my mom's girlfriend made me a tuna sandwich once with just tuna and bread, I was a kid and it also stuck. I don't like bananas either but I don't remember why. lol

20) I can trace my dad's side of the family to the early 1600s; they came to America before America was America. They settled in Pennsylvania at the time. There is a town in PA called Royersford that was named for the family who owned the land where the town bloomed. I have no idea if they're related but my maiden name is Royer....

21) I want to live somewhere with snow and seasons and winter. Y'all might think I'm crazy but I hail from Texas - no real winter. And now I'm in Hawaii - again with the no winter.

22) When I was a kid/teenager, my mom let me pick any other month to celebrate my birthday since it was so close to Christmas. I picked August. For my 13th "birthday", my friends kidnapped me and took me horse back riding. I haven't been riding in so long and I want to go again soon. Jadzia is almost old enough if I can find a babysitter for the other two.

23) Anya won't take a bottle so I can't leave her with anyone. She isn't on a schedule or routine yet so I can't even try to leave her with someone for 30 minutes that she "should" be happy or sleeping.

24) I've very particular about who I have watch the kids - which is why we haven't gone out much since Jadzia was born and they go with me everywhere - even if it's crazy.

25) I love my husband but on the rare occasion he drives me crazy. I love my girls but sometimes they drive me nutty. I love my dogs but often they drive me batty. I'm a Crazy Nutty Bat. ;)

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