Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Adventures of Rin Tin Gimli

Gimli has been in solitary confinement for a couple weeks now. He seems to have injured his back and keeping him isolated from Bluto, the kids, etc for a few weeks is the safest for him until he's completely healed. The first couple of days, when he was still hurting, he took it tolerably well - almost like a relief to be away from the chaos in the house. But after that he no longer understood the need to be confined. He started whining more, scratching at the door, refusing to eat unless I was in the room with him. I've made an effort to go up and sit with him for a little bit a couple times a day if I can get away from the kids (and trust that they won't spill bood or something). It's not the same as being constantly around us but it's honestly for his own good.

A few months ago, Gimli was constantly sneaking under the fence since it's not flush with the ground. More than once we found him in a neighbors yard, down the street, etc. We got some white garden fence pieces to cover the biggest gaps and his most frequent routes and the escape attempts stopped. Well, the last couple days when I would bring Gimli out, when I went to retrieve him he was gone. Thankfully those times he showed back up before I had to go dog hunting.

This time, however, he didn't return right away. I left the kids inside the house and started hunting up and down the street and calling his name. I tried for about twenty minutes with no luck before I finally went inside. I'd decided to load the kids in the car and try to hunt for him on wheels as he'd probably gone beyond the street by then I wasn't willing to leave the kids home alone for that extensive of a neighborhood search. I'd gotten them all loaded and was buckling Inara into her seat when who should appear trotting down the street with nary a care in the world? Gimli.

I left the kids stuck in the van (doors open) and jogged over and snatched him up. I scolded him and then juggled him in one arm while trying to release the kids from their seats with the other. After everyone was back inside, I returned Gimli to his cell and now have started standing in the yard with him when he gets yard time.

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