Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Anya Easter Pictures

I am still not done editing all the pictures from the aforementioned torture session, but here are a few of Anya to keep y'all happy.

Stay tuned for Inara pictures tomorrow and Jadzia's after that!

40 Books!

At the beginning of the year, I set my goal to read 80 books in 2009. Tonight, 3 months into the years, I've completed 40! I'm already halfway to my goal. I suspect I will have to reconsider the goal as I get closer to reaching 80.

In January, I completed 12 books.
In February, I completed 14 books.
In March, I completed 14 books.

Well done me :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter Picture Torture

Today I tortured the kiddos some to try and get pictures of them in their Easter dresses that my mom sent and the ones we bought. I haven't edited most of them but wanted to share one at least. It was the only clear picture I got where all three were looking in the general direction of the camera at the right time.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Monkey Butt

Jadzia and I have a "playlist" of songs we will sing on any given day at any given time. Some she sings along and some she just "requests" from me. Tonight she asked me to sing "monkey butt" - or at least that's what it sounded like she was saying to me.


I start racking my brain trying to determine 1) where she would have heard the phrase "monkey butt" to begin with and 2) what song it could possibly refer too. After asking her to repeat herself and again being asked to sing "monkey butt", I'm frustrated at this point. Then I ask HER to sing some of it. I listen closely to fragments of the mysterious "monkey butt" song such as "little baby" and "diamond ring".

Have you figured it out yet?

Well I did!

Monkey Butt = Mocking Bird

From the song "Hush little baby...". I'm not entirely sure I make the connection between Monkey Butt and Mocking Bird but at least I figured it out for future reference.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's a Dog Gone World

Just when Gimli seems to be on the mend and a happy, bouncy pup again; partially thanks to his happy pain pills; Bluto is a new medical mystery. Today Bluto scared me by having a doggie seizure. After a minute or so he was a little confused looking but no longer seizing and then he was back to normal. I'm not sure why it happened but as long as it doesn't happen again this weekend, I'll wait to call the vet until Monday and then consult with them. That was the only thing that happened of any interest today.

I had "I Love Lucy" on all day in the background though. A couple weeks ago, I saw season one on sale on Amazon for like 16$, so I ordered it. Well then the next day or the day after they had the complete series as the deal of the day for only 85$. It was one of those too good to pass up deals so I ordered it as well and gifted season 1 to my neighbors.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Up with the Sun

In spite of dark curtains, Anya still thinks waking up with the sun is fun. Once again she woke up around 630AM - and I just don't do 630AM. There's something about it being at least in the 7 o'clock hour that seems to make all the difference to me.

As a result of the extra early wake up calls, I'm exhausted today. When Anya took her first nap, I laid down on the couch to relax. I had no intention of falling asleep and yet I woke up about an hour later to Inara poking me in the face and Anya waking up over the monitor. Thankfully I have fairly well behaved older kids that I can get away with that sometimes but I don't like to do it. One time I'll wake up and Inara will have painted the house or something.

As soon as the laundry dries, I'm going to bed - at least that's my intention.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's worse than that, it's dead Jim!

So today I wanted to go to the Post Office and the PX for a few things. I put away the dogs so they didn't destroy the house in my absence. I loaded the kids into their carseats, I got in, and turned the key....and nothing. No noise, no engine starting. Big fat dead car.

I tried again, which naturally resulted in nothing. And again...but you get the idea. So I UN-loaded the kids, went back inside and released the hounds.

A little later I called my neighbor to vent about my big, fat, dead car. Her husband came over on his lunch break to give it a jump!

IT'S ALIVE!! *cue Frankenstein scene here*

By then Anya was napping so errands had to be put on hold for a bit but that was the both the highlight and lowlight of my day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pokemon Platinum

Among my many other geeky tendencies, I am totally hooked on the Pokemon games for the various Nintendo handhelds. I've played them all the way back to Gold and Silver (and have bought Red/Blue used just so I could play it too). I have no interest in watch the show or collecting the cards - only the Gameboy games.

Anyway, I preordered two copies of the new game a few weeks ago from Amazon and they came today. One will be going in the mail with a new DS Lite for Robby (who is also hooked). The other I've been playing for the last 7 hours or so (on and off as the kids occasionally drew me away).

Gotta catch 'em all!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Operation Mousetrap was a Success

While not nearly as cool as the old game, modern day mouse traps are surprisingly effective. The mouse guy came out this morning and laid down some of the sticky traps in the areas most likely to see mouse activity. He put a small bit of peanut butter on each trap to attract the mouse and then put them down. Since I share a wall with my neighbor, he did the same to both sides. So all day I hear nothing and see nothing. The traps were placed under the sink, behind the stove and behind the fridge (which also led to the recovery of many wayward toys). Then tonight, the kids were all asleep and I hear the first squeak. I wasn't sure if I heard what I thought I did then. A few minutes later more squeaks. Then I hear rattling under one of the appliances (not sure which). I assume the mouse was struggling on the sticky trap.

One one hand, the curious side of me wants to whip out the stove and fridge too investigate the noises. I also want to avoid the stench that would come with dead mouse eventually. The way too girly side of me knew that I would scream like a little girl and be jumping away if I saw the very stuck but alive mouse struggling on the trap. The two sides battled for a bit before I called my neighbor and had her husband come over to take care of it. I'm really not this girly and yet...I am. He came and pulled out the fridge which is where he found the mouse, very stuck and slowly dying on the trap. Oddly enough, the trap is not toxic but I guess all the struggling causes death faster than starvation? Anyway, he retrieved and bagged the mouse and trap and took it outside to the trash. We all decided to leave the remaining traps for a few days to see if there's more than one (just in case). Hopefully there's not but I'd rather leave them if there is even a possibility.

As he was finishing up, Robby called on Dell Video Chat so they said hi before heading home and I got to chat with Robby for a few minutes. But now I'm tired and I'm gonna try to turn in early which probably won't work but I'm gonna give it a shot.

Monday, March 23, 2009

There's a mouse in my house

First off, thanks for the comments on yesterday's particularly depressing post. Going home to visit is not really an option - well it is but it would probably be more of a headache than enjoyable. Aside from having to travel alone with 3 young children, there would the dog kenneling and ultimately I think I'd come back more crazy than when I left. Thankfully, my parents come to me at least. It's not the same as stepping foot in Texas but it's nice. My dad is coming in June and I think my mom is going to try come this winter but I'm not sure yet. Robby's leave will be in August or September sometime so I have things to look forward to. I was feeling particularly nostalgic last night which helped trigger the homesickness to a degree I think.


Last week, my neighbor said her husband saw a mouse in their house. Well seeing as we live in a duplex style house and share a wall - if there was in fact a mouse, it makes sense that said mouse might make it's way over to our house as well. Nevertheless, neither she nor I saw any mouse or any indication of a mouse (such as droppings, gnawing, etc). Well this morning, I saw the mouse. I saw a bit of gray out of the corner of my eye and it moved. At first I thought it was a dog hair tumbleweed that Bluto is nice enough to shed all over the house. I glanced over and focused on it and realized it was not in fact a dog hair tumbleweed, but a little gray mouse. Now I don't have any particular qualms about rodents in general. I don't like rats exactly but mice don't really bother me - or they wouldn't if they were running on a little wheel in a cage or out in a field. This mouse is loose. In my house. I don't like the mouse. Gimli was outside when I spotted the mouse, otherwise I suspect our mouse problem would have been over before it started. As it is, when I let him inside, he instantly smelled the mouse and was all over the area I'd seen the little fella. I suspect the mouse scurried under the dishwasher once he moved but I didn't see where he went. I haven't seen him since this morning but everytime a feel something brush against my leg (like a dog, a kid, a light breeze) I nearly jump out of my skin. Anyway, pest people are coming tomorrow.


And now for something slightly more cheery, the musical stylings of Jadzia (I hope this works!)

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I miss Texas.

Hawaii is beautiful but it's not home, it's not Texas. Right now vivid bluebonnets have sprouted over fields and on the sides of the highways during the grass into a beautiful sea of bright blue flowers. When I was a kid, my dad would take us out to take pictures in bluebonnets and I did it with the girls. It was a Texas tradition. And I miss it this year. I missed them last year too but moving to Hawaii was still so new at that point I didn't think as much of it. This year, however, I miss everything.

I miss Austin.

I love Texas in general and should it decide to secede from the Union I would have a hard time not returning and publicly declaring myself a citizen of the Republic of Texas. But Austin, Austin is the heart for me. It is weird, Austin is Weird. And proud of their Weirdness. So much so, they embrace it and live by the motto of "Keep Austin Weird". What makes Austin weird exactly? Leslie - the cross-dressing mayoral candidate - for one. Austin is an artistic, indie haven for culture and free-thinking. It's full of art, music, literature and history. While it continues to expand and sadly loses some of that, it is still home for me. It's a small bastion of liberalism against a great state of conservatives.

And my friends are there.

Mind you I have friends here - well I have one friend here at least - but most of my friends are in Austin or in Texas somewhere. I miss my friends. I miss hanging out with them and rolling dice to create characters for a game we'll play once if that. I miss watching Jeff go into the purple zone and laugh at everything regardless of how funny or may not be.

And I miss my family.

Pretty much everyone is somewhere in Texas. We used to meet to have lunch with Dad in Giddings once a month. It was just a couple hours on a Sunday but it was nice to see him regularly. I miss seeing my mom, even though she came with her own annoyances. No matter how much her actions or words might annoy me, I know how much she loves us all. And I think we reached a new level of our relationship shortly before we moved here.

So I miss home. I'm thrilled to get a chance to see places that aren't Texas but there's a small part of me that aches for home I think. And Texas is home to me. Growing up, I couldn't wait to leave Texas. I wanted to move to California and do, I have no idea what exactly, but I wanted to move to California. I had no desire to stay in Texas then. I applied to the University of Texas because my parents encouraged it. As chance would have it, I ended up at UT and met Robby and Jeff and Mary and all my dear friends. I fell in love with Robby and Austin and Texas and now it's home.

I'm feeling rather nostalgic tonight and thinking of friends and family that I haven't seen in awhile. Thus the somewhat depressing ramblings about my homesickness.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Twilight Day

Today was the release day for the Twilight DVD! I know, some of you are thinking - "oh she's one of those Twilight people" and inwardly groaning. Honestly, I enjoyed the Twilight series. Was it absolute perfection, no - hard to find a book that is. But it's a good read for me and Stephenie Meyer is great at sucking you in before you know how deep you are.


When the movie came out in theaters, I didn't get a chance to see it because of the kiddos - mostly Anya who has been notably attached to me since she was born. Despite having not seen it, I knew I'd want the movie so I pre-ordered it through Amazon. Tracking indicated that it wouldn't be delivered until Monday or Tuesday so when I got an email with a code to watch it on demand at their website I was excited.

It took me three hours to watch a two hour movie thanks to the kids and the dogs and morning routine but I at least got to see it. Then when I checked the mail, I was happily surprised to find the movie had been delivered as well! So I watched it again after the munchkins had gone to bed.

I was pretty happy with the movie outcome. While there are a few changes and some things that didn't make the cut into the movie - it stayed fairly close to the book and certainly the spirit of the book. All that being said, the book is better than the movie - but then I find books almost always are better than their movies!

Happy Twilight Day for my Twilight fans! :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

No Surgery for Gimli

Yet at least. The vet said that at this point, surgery isn't necessary but if he gets worse then it may be required. For now we have pain meds to give him and should keep him from jumping on furniture, rough housing with Bluto and other such things that might make his neck worse.

He has a partial prolapse of a cervical disc for anyone who is curious. So for now, at least, we don't have to do surgery.

That was the highlight of my day as Inara spent most of the night with a raging fever. She spiked to 104.1 at one point but hovered around 102 most of the night and day. She is surprisingly not cranky really - just clingy and tired. She has no other symptoms really so I have no idea what's actually wrong with her. But 104.1 fever is not a good thing that's for sure!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's a marathon, not a sprint.

I try to make it a point to combine errands into one trip because it usually makes my life easier. But I also try not to make more than two or three stops while we're out because the kids usually start getting irritable by the end of stop three. The whole in and out of car seats thing is tough on them and me at that point. Well today I had several tasks to complete to get the whole pet deposit thing taken care of and I opted to pull it all together in one potentially dangerous trip. We needed to go to the post office (unrelated to the pets, just needed to be done), the satellite City Hall for the county registration, get a money order for the housing office, the on-base vet to register them with the office and finally the housing office to put it all together.

Surprisingly, the kids took it all pretty well. Inara started to get fidgety in the stroller while at the City Hall location but was okay getting back in the car. Anya fell asleep between Wal-Mart (where I got the money order) and the on-base bet but woke up okay and was content at least while I waited at the vets' office. She didn't want to get back in the carseat afterwards but calmed down by the time the car was moving so we were able to do the housing office. As luck would have it, none of the places were busy since we started the grand adventure at 930AM in the middle of the week. I guess that's one of the few advantages to utilizing morning hours. I still don't like the morning though.

When we got home, Anya was so ready for a real nap (as opposed to the 10 minute one she took in the car). So I got her down and got the kids some lunch and then collapsed in slump. Despite the kids being (REALLY) good for the trip, I was still tired in the end. I was ready for a nap then!

Speaking of naps, out of the blue, both Inara and Jadzia fell asleep on the couch for a little dose. It was surprising but cute. I think Jadzia only laid down because Inara had fallen asleep and then she fell asleep too. They were both sleeping under the same blanket (which I think was Jadzia's doing). I had to wake them after a little while though otherwise bedtime would have been a beast. But they woke up well enough.

Tomorrow we have to take Gimli in for his X-Rays and will probably hit up the commissary for a few things after we drop him off. He has to be dropped off in the morning and then picked up in the afternoon so at least no waiting around. He's doing really well and is full of energy today which is what keeps throwing me about whatever might be wrong with him. Tuesday he was so obviously in pain and today he'd be jumping on furniture and wrestling with Bluto probably if I let him (which I won't). I just hope whatever it is 1) can be treated and 2) is marginally affordable. He's our dog, and he's family and we'll treat him of course - I would just prefer to deplete less savings than more.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Bluto

Today is Bluto's first birthday! Happy birthday you big goofy puppy!

Before we came to Hawaii, we opted to find homes for our cats. As much as I LOVED my cats, the flight and 4-month quarantine would have fundamentally altered the cats. Anya (the cat) probably wouldn't have even survived as she was 15 years old and growing sicker. Hawaii may not have let her come in anyway. Shadow, who is 10, probably would have handled the trip okay but I don't know who she would have dealt with the quarantine. She's a very, in your lap and face, needs attention kind of cat. Finally there was Rajah, who was only a couple years old and probably would have handled it all just fine - but she was also the easiest one to find a new home for given her age, health and temperament. She went to live with friends of ours which is nice for us. Anya passed away before the move and the other two were placed in good homes.

So anyway, after we got to Hawaii, Robby said IF I wanted another pet I could since I gave up my kitties (Anya and Shadow came with me pre-marriage). I decided on a dog because, while I love kitties, I don't love litter boxes. So at 6 months pregnant and brand new to Hawaii, I started looking into dogs. I wanted a puppy because of the kids - I wanted to know the dogs whole background. Also, most of the dogs listed on the shelter website were Pits or mixed Pits. I have no problems with Pits but Housing does. They had some adorable Pit mix puppies listed when we were looking that I oohed and aahed over. I found a website with Hawaii breeders for various dog breeds. I knew I wanted one from Hawaii due to the quarantine thing so after looking into ALL the available breeds and breeders I could find, I decided on an Australian Shepherd and found a breeder on the Big Island who would ship him over to us. As it turned out, her pups were already pregnant when I contacted her. In March the puppies were born and oh so cute!

In May the breeder emailed us updated pictures and we started talking about sending him over to us. Here he is as 6 weeks old:
And then a couple weeks later, I picked him up at the airport. He whined in his carrier the whole way home and he didn't even have his name yet. We had a whole list of possible names for him and when he got here NONE of them seemed quite right for him. It took a couple hours before we picked Bluto.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dog Tired

First off, I must say - Walmart is evil. It is a horrible, money sucking place!

Well...Maybe it's not EVIL per say...

But every time I go there in need of one or two things - somehow I walk out with so much more. I went today for the whole dog leash and collar thing. I also got some shorts and tanks for Jadzia to use as play and sleep clothes, a couple new pairs of shoes for Jadzia and Inara, assorted toys for their Easter baskets, a couple of toys for Bluto's birthday, etc and so on. But I got Bluto a new collar which makes him spaz out a bit, a leash which he then proceeded to try and eat and a new harness for Gimli.

Now onto the "Fun" part of the day. Picture this, a woman with frazzled hair, a crying baby on her hip and two dogs with leashes wrapped around her legs. Yeah that was me today.

I got my neighbor to take Jadzia and Inara while we went to the vet otherwise the picture would have been even more insane. I'm so thankful I did because there was enough chaos without having to worry about those two! First there was the getting into the car - Gimli knows how to ride in the car but the last time Bluto rode in the car he was in a crate and a small puppy. He didn't even want to get in the car! Once I managed to get him in it and the doors all closed, he started whining and trying to jump in my lap. Um, no have you ever driven with a 53 pound dog in your lap? Neither have I and I'm not about to try! So he was jittery and whiney the whole trip to the vets' office. Then we get out and he tries to jump out before I'm ready for him to and Gimli is already making his way for the door. Soon I was dodging dogs and leashes while trying to get Anya out of her carseat. Once inside, there are, naturally strangers to Bluto - which means barking, lots and lots of barking. Here I am trying to sign them in and give them Bluto's information for his chart and Bluto is barking at the ladies and particularly frantic about the little cat walking across the desk. Meanwhile, Anya, who hasn't napped is about at her breaking point and she starts crying.

Finally we're all in and we go to the back. First off the room is TINY so I'm glad I didn't have to cram Jadzia and Inara in there with us. Anya is mercifully back in the infant carrier (which I keep in the car for just occasions where she'll need a place to go) and relatively calm. Bluto meets another new stranger and begins barking again. Gimli gets to go first and demonstrates for them his back problems

(actually a neck problem)

for the vet and the vet tech. While I hate to see him in pain, I'm glad they were able to see it instead of me having to try and explain it. It seems to come and go for him which makes it hard for me to understand exactly. The vet suspects he has a cervical disc problem and wants him back in for XRays to try and determine if that's actually the problem or not. If it is, then it will likely need surgery. They gave him his shots and were very very gentle with him. Meanwhile Bluto was still barking at everyone and every noise (particularly the dogs in the back barking), which upset Anya so I was trying to hold her and she was wailing. One of the techs asked if they wanted me to hold her for a minute so I could help with the dogs and I had to explain that that would only make her cry louder.

Bluto kept trying to get away from people when it came his turn to get on the table thus hitting Gimli a lot and setting him off. Finally they got him on the table and the vet tech starts rubbing him and he completely mellows out. I think he was in doggy love with her, she also kept bribing him with treats. He was perfectly calm through the whole exam and the barking had finally ceased. It was probably the calmest part of the visit. I had them microchip him and then we were done in the teeny tiny room. Wrangling the dogs back out into the hall with Anya was a sport in and of itself but we made it to the check out counter at long last.

I tried not to look shell shocked at the total and just paid my bill but I was at the time. Upon further reflection I realize that if I split it in half it was about the same as what I paid for just Gimli's annual visits, shots, tests, etc. So with two dogs it made sense, but it was still hard to hear at first. And I still have to go back for the xrays and possibly surgery...

(I love my dogs, I love my dogs, I love my dogs...)

By the time I got them home and returned Gimli to his doggy confinement, I thought Anya would be fried. She should have been fried since she'd been up since about 12:30PM. But, while she was very cranky she refused to sleep. I managed to even get her to play on the floor for awhile while I fed the older beasties. When bed time rolled around, I still hadn't gotten Anya to sleep even though I knew she had to be exhausted. I'm now convinced she was waiting for the other two to be in bed before she went to sleep because once THEY were asleep, she conked out.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Prelude to Disaster

Robby was kind enough to point out that no one comments on my blog. To which I first told him neither did he and then told him I usually talked with people about the contents elsewhere anyway. BUT if you're reading this one post, can you comment - just say neener neener neener if you like. Thanks!

Today I had a few errands to complete. First I needed to go to the housing office to pay our pet deposit (yes I know we've had the dogs long enough it should have been done already but it wasn't so, there.) When I got there first I was told the payment has to bed a money order or bank certified check - OK I didn't have that on me but OK. Then they handed me the form with the necessary documents for the dogs. None of which I have, oh good - more errands. Need current vaccination records - well since neither dog had been seen by a vet since we arrived in Hawaii (well Bluto was seen by the breeder's vet), they definitely need to get shots before getting current vax records. So I called the on base vet because they needed to be registered with that facility anyway - they won't have appointments until April.

Okay, need a new plan there.

When we brought Gimli over, part of his paperwork was being registered with a animal hospital in case it was needed while he was in quarantine so I called them and they have appointments for tomorrow!

That's more like it!

After I get their shots and the new records I can take those records to the on base vet to register them with the on base vet for housing. I don't need an appointment to register them, they just need their information. So that will be Wednesday's job. Then somewhere in there I'll pay to have them registered with the county (which involves a trip to a city hall office, fun!) and THEN I can go back to housing and give them money too. Yeah, this will be an OH SO FUN week!

I predict a long, long week - particularly tomorrow when I get to take 3 kids and 2 dogs to the vet for shots. That should be exciting - especially as the appointment is near dinner time. I foresee stopping at McDonalds on the way back to make all our lives easier. Oh and I need to go back to the PX to get a leash that fits Bluto so I can actually take him to the vet without having to drag him around by the scruff of his neck. Oh and the last time he was in the car, he was a puppy and fit in a carrying crate...good times ahead for me!

So after the non-payment of pet deposit thing, we went to the PX because I needed packing tape. I try to avoid going to the PX because I always leave with may more than I went in for. I even called my neighbor and asked her if she had any tape - alas she did not have much so to the PX I went. That led me to the kids' clothes area of course to look at the Easter dresses...even though we never actually go anywhere for Easter but I like having a reason to dress them up and torture them with the camera. I immediately found something for Anya and something for Inara. Jadzia, however, is in an awkward size. She is growing out of the toddler sizes but lots of styles in the little girls sizes don't put much out in 5s and a lot of the 5/6s are just a little on the big side. But 4s are too small usually. It's a challenge. I found non-Easter stuff for her first - stuff that gave me mild flashbacks to my own child hood in the 80s and early 90s.

I left that store with leggings - leggings with lace at the bottom.

Why oh why?!

Do I need to buy her 17 colors of slouch socks she can mix and match now??


But I did find a charming dress that Jadzia loved. As she was trying on the jacket that comes with the dress, an older lady stopped to mention how beautiful she was and then chatting about having three girls. Which led to the inevitable question of if we were going to try for a boy now?

Uh, no. Did I say no? I mean NO, with a capital N and a capital O.

Don't get me wrong, I love my spawn and I love children. Once upon a time I actually wanted four of them. And every once in awhile, for a fraction of a second, I think about what it would be like to have a little baby boy in the mix. Then Inara throws something that hits Anya and knocks her over and Bluto charges over to "help" and knocks into Jadzia in the process and pandemonium ensues and the moment is over. Shattered. Nope, can't do it. Besides, as I've joked before - we'd manage to end up with fluke twin girls and have five girls.

Anya, true to form, finally decided that the nice old lady was, in fact, evil or something and started wailing which meant it was time to make our escape. We darted for the check out and headed back to the car. The whole point of going was to get the packing tape so I could tape up some books and mail them - so I sat in the car with the munchkins and taped up my books. Thankfully, Anya had calmed down not long after we were away from the would-be-evil nice old lady.

Anya has serious stranger/separation issues. Last night, our neighbors came over for a couple minutes and both attempted to hold Anya - she was perfectly happy in my lap and I was sitting right next to them but the moment she left my arms, she totally flipped out.

The line at the post office was long but Jadzia and Inara found two young boys to run around with - weaving in and out of people momentarily before I could stop them and get them rounded to an area with fewer people in. When I finally got to the window it was a new person so I actually had to give instructions for mailing this time, the others all know my routines.

Somehow we made it all the way home with Anya still calm and it was way past time for her to nap so I got her to sleep and put her down, where she slept for THREE hours! It was crazy but nice.

The rest of the day was uneventful really. Inara brought me her baby doll to change its diaper a few dozen times before I'd had enough. Jadzia kept insisting that her baby doll was pooping and peeing so she NEEDED a diaper change, which is why Inara thought her doll needed a change and so on and so forth.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Like Mommy, Like Daughter, Like Sister

Today, Jadzia wrapped her baby doll up in a blanket, then lifted her shirt to feed the baby with her "boobie" (yeah, yeah - no comments from the gallery about the vocab choices around here! ;)) After that, she put the baby doll in the cradle in their Rose Petal Cottage and told me all about what she had done. Jadzia wants to be just like mommy.

Then, Inara did the same thing with a stuffed animal. Now she's done this before, back when Anya was a newborn but hasn't done it in awhile. Today, I could tell it was specifically because of Jadzia doing it. She likes to do everything Jadzia does.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's a bird, it's a plane...no it's...

Cami! In a picture...OMG!
And now for a few others of the munchkins...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bribary or Allowance?

If 4 years old too young for an "allowance"? Or am I just bribing her? As I've mentioned before, Jadzia's "chore" each day is cleaning up the play room at the end of the day. She always does it but often with some reluctance or painstakingly slowly. But she does it. When my dad sent her 5$ for Valentines Day she was so thrilled to have this money and so excited to "spend" it. She made sure to give it to me when we checked out and everything. It was awesome.

So today I decided to "encourage" her to clean up the playroom fairly quickly and well. I told her if she cleaned it up really well and quickly, she'd get a star or check or happy face for the day and if at the end of the week she had at least 5 stars (etc), she'd get 2$. Then I added that if she had them for all 7 days she'd get 3$. She was very excited about this prospect and she cleaned up the playroom so well tonight. It wasn't super fast but she did a good job. So she got a star. I made a little chart for her to see her progress and everything. It is a chore so she deserves a reward for it I think. Is 4 too young for such an allowance? :) Oh well, it worked for now so onward, now I guess I need to get cash out of an ATM so I have dollars to give her.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...

But oh it's so delightful...

Well it's raining, again. It does that a lot lately. I'd say the island was going to float out into the Pacific but we're already there so it doesn't really work here. It's actually somewhat chilly out - chilly for Hawaii that is. I mean, it's Hawaii - there's only so cold it can get before it's some sign of the apocalypse. After we went to the post office to mail Robby his snack bar, I came home and opened up all the windows since the rain had stopped but the wind was blowing. I like to do this every few weeks to air out the house. It was a great day for it until it started to just be cold inside. Even after I shut all the windows, there was still a major chill in the house.

While I was cooking dinner, the girls were running around driving me batty so I sent them (Jadzia and Inara) out into the back yard to run around some. Aside from the dog barking at them at the window, it was a lot of fun and got them out from under my feet. Well when dinner was ready, they weren't ready to come in yet so I made sure their table and chairs outside were clean and let them eat outside. They got a kick out of it and actually sat still long enough to eat almost everything - I think because it was something totally new and different. Then they resumed running around. When I finally brought them in they were chilly little child-pops but they weren't as wild anymore so I figured it was a good experience.

Meanwhile Anya has some serious seperation anxiety issues going on right now. If I even leave the room at the wrong moment or am out of her sight, she totally freaks out on me. Have I mentioned that this kid is weird? Yeah she's so different from the other two I feel like I'm stumbling through each day sometimes with her.

GA: "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"

Kisha (or anyone else), if you're reading this right now and haven't watched this episode, turn around and walk away. Seriously, stop reading, right now! Go read Cake Wrecks or something. Yes, go, I see you looking back - don't do it - you'll hate yourself. You don't want the spoilers! You. Must. Look. Away.

Are you gone now?


Okay, now that that's taken care of I will proceed with the blog full of spoilers about the episode. So don't read this if you haven't watched it. You've been warned - a lot.

Living in Hawaii, I am tragically hours behind everyone else in terms of prime time television hours. Eight PM on the east coast is like 2 in the afternoon here. So it's easy for things to get spoiled for me. Thankfully I'm not really adverse to spoilers. I'm the person who will "accidentally" read last couple pages of a book first just to make sure it all turns out okay and then read the book. I don't always do it, but it's been known to happen. Anyway, I know I spew about Grey's Anatomy a lot lately - I'm in a Grey's place. It's my comfort food sometimes - well that and chocolate. So for those that don't watch Grey's Anatomy - well you just have to deal.

So Derek is dark right now. I don't like Dark Derek. He's angry and he's drunk and all full of self-loathing. He's supposed to be the shiny one - Mer's Knight in Shining Whatever. All that being said, I get it. I get the storyline and I get the character development and I know we all have darkness in us somewhere. Derek has shone his darkness before - he called Mer a whore. But I still don't like it. What I did like was Meredith. She used to be the dark and twisty one. She was full of doubt and self-loathing and wanting to please mommy (both alive and dead). She had issues - lots of issues. Like a library full of issues. But she's grown! Five seasons later and instead of collapsing into a puddle of misery or running away when Derek verbally assaulted her, she stayed because that's what he needed - even if he doesn't realize it or want to accept it because he angry and drunk. He needs her to be there when he's slightly less dark and sober. And because she's all whole and healed - she gets that he needs to follow the cycle. The episode leaves you screaming and with a great feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach after just watching him hit the ring with bat! Seriously?! His mother's ring? Yeah, five minutes later while Private Practice is gearing up, you're still looking at the TV dumbfounded. But it's all gonna be good - okay is seems horrid and bad - bad, real bad - but it's gonna be okay because they BOTH have to heal and be each others' Knight in Shining Whatever.

Onto someone else. When I saw Christina approaching Hunt while he was sleeping - I totally knew what was coming. I knew he was gonna react that way and I hurt inside when I saw it. When they brought Hunt on the show, given his background, I wasn't sure I'd be able to watch once Robby deployed and I was sort of right. I can still watch but Hunt's issues - yeah they give me the ache in the stomach too. But he and Christina fit together. They compliment each other in a weird way. I love that she seems to understand him but she doesn't push for him to talk, she's just there and not going anywhere.

Izzy. Poor Izzy. I love Izzy. Her bright and shiny and puppies and rainbows can bug me sometimes but the others need that. They need Christmas shoved down their throats and they need the happiness infused into their lives. They need Izzy so I really hope Izzy doesn't die. Because that would suck for the show and the characters. I think she's developed a lot over the last season. After Denny died, she said she wasn't a surgeon and maybe she's not really but she is a doctor and she is a teacher and she found a good niche with the interns. When the Intern exam came up and they all got their own interns, I wondered how the show would flow because it went from being primarily focused on one resident and the fab five to the fab five trying to go their own way with a bunch of followers. There's only so much surgery to go around after all. On the other hand, they couldn't stay interns forever. So they've all been trying to find their place. Mer with the clinical trial, George with his struggle to be better and so on. So I hope Izzy doesn't die. I want her to be the miracle terminal patient that helps Derek get whole and healed or something. I liked when Izzy went to Christina in the end - she needed to tell someone and couldn't "infect the happy people". Even though George is her person and Alex is her boyfriend - they were happy and Christina is a rock who approaches things medically. The final scene in the boiler room was awesome - I've always noticed how much they can "say" on the show just with eyes. In surgery, all you can see is the eyes so you can learn a lot by watching their eyes. It was great! And Alex is becoming a rock star - slowly but he's working on it. I hope Izzy lives for him too because after the breakdown with Rebecca/Ava - I think Izzy dying would break him. Utterly and completely. He's just starting to become less of a complete jerk, let's not screw up his progress - please?

And then there's George, poor forgotten George. I miss George - that's all there really is to say because George was pretty much a non-entity. Poor forgotten George.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stalling and other such Musings

As I've mentioned before, Jadzia's one "chore" is to clean up the play room every night. Inara attempts to help and I attempt to get her to help but she's not really all that good at it. Previously the problem with project clean up seemed to be distraction by the toys and such. It took forever, I'd get frustrated and so on and so forth. Well now Jadzia has discovered the fine are of stalling. She knows that clean up time means bedtime so maybe that's the catch? Anyway part of the evening routine is to go upstairs (after the grand clean up) and she's goes to the bathroom one last time, baths, teeth brushing, etc. But for the last few nights, within a few minutes of me saying it's time to clean up the play room Jadzia says she has to go potty. Okay - she's four, I'm not going to make her wait if she really needs to go. So she goes to the bathroom, shuts the door and five minutes later I go check to make sure she didn't fall in and she's sitting in there doing nothing. Sometimes she says she's going other times I can see her start to scramble off the toilet like she's be caught. While she may go to the bathroom a little, I'm 90% she doesn't REALLY have to go, she's just delaying the whole bedtime routine. Even when she gets upstairs she still goes again.


Yesterday at some point Bluto got locked in the bathroom. I assume Inara shut him in there as she is apt to do. So I when Jadzia alerted me to this fact, she was the one who let him out of the bathroom. I specifically asked her then if Bluto had made a mess or gotten into the trash. She said no. I asked again just to double check because she'll often say no without really thinking about the question. She actually went to the bathroom to check it seemed. She came back and still said no. So I was happy and went about the day. A couple hours later when I went back there, I opened the door (we usually keep it closed to keep Inara from flushing the toilet over and over and over and over) and stepped into a mess of torn up trash from the bathroom trashcan! So I called Jadzia over and asked her as calmly as I could why she'd told me there was no mess. I didn't even get a chance to raise my voice before she burst into tears. I guess she knew she was in trouble? While I was annoyed with Inara for closing the dog in there in the first place and annoyed at the dog for tearing up the trash, I was most annoyed at Jadzia for lying to me. After she cleaned it up as punishment and she calmed down (and I was calm), I explained to her that she had lied and tried to express the idea of truths and lies. Not sure if she got it exactly but we'll see.


Today we went to the Commissary for just about everything. When we got there, all the kids were perfectly happy and I managed to get through all the shopping with no major meltdowns (although I had to grab a random package of Beef Jerky sticks for Anya to chew on before she turned a box into a great big slobbery goo). Robby had asked for just a couple of little things to be sent to him, specifically the singles packets that can be added to a bottle of water (like Kool aid, crystal light, etc). We had some still around the house but I wanted to grab some more. Then I start snack shopping for him. I had intended to fill one large flat rate priority box with goodies to mail out tomorrow. But somehow the whole "this looks good" *toss in cart* mentality took over and soon half the cart was filled with stuff potentially for Robby. When I got home and unpacked everything, I got a box ready to fill and filled it with A LOT left over. So I got the second box and filled it too. Sooooo tomorrow I get to take two boxes of goodies to the Post Office to mail off for Robby.


I finished my Grey's Anatomy marathon. Four seasons of Grey's Anatomy over the course of a week or so - awesome! When it was all said and done, part of me wanted to start right back at the beginning. I love that show.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I love getting packages in the mail. It's like Christmas - in March. Even when I know exactly what is inside - it is still makes me giddy to get packages in the mail. When we first moved to Hawaii, even Amazon didn't ship anything bigger than a postage stamp here (or so it seemed) so the packages were practically non-existent unless I wanted to pay through the nose for shipping. Since then, Amazon has started shipping most things to Hawaii - much to my satisfaction - they even offer the standard free shipping on orders over $25 on qualifying items. Now other online retailers - it can be hit or miss on 1) if they ship here at all and 2) how much it's gonna cost me.

Yesterday was package day here! Major package day in fact. I got three items shipped via UPS (which, by the way, I despise UPS), one box via FedEx and a couple of things via USPS. I knew everything was scheduled to arrive yesterday and given previous UPS dealings, I decided not to go anywhere just in case. So, naturally nothing was delivered until almost 5PM. When I had tracked the UPS packages that morning, only one showed as being on a truck for delivery and the other two actually appeared to have been bumped to the next day. I was bummed and was contemplating how I'd rearrange plans so I could be home for another day of just in case waiting. As chance would have it, when UPS arrived all three of my boxes were on the truck! I signed for everything and sent the man on his way, giddy to open up my new treasures. Just as I finished opening and rearranging what needed to be done, FedEx showed up with more goodies. This was a box of 15 books - yes 15! This was part of my booty from the Coinstar incident. I had to rearrange my To-Be-Read bookshelves (yes that is now plural) AGAIN to get everything on there and I still have more books coming! I have books to read from now to St Swithun's Day (more like St Swithun's Day 2011 at this rate!) And, of course, you know more books will be bought, traded, swapped between now and then to the pile will keep growing faster than my eyes can keep up! But what a thing to complain about right? Ah, sad - I have things to read. Note the sarcasm!

On a side note, Anya slept from about 10pm to 7am this morning! Yay!

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Kids

Are Weird - that is all :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh the Mother You Become

When you have your first baby, you research everything you can. You have What to Expect when you're Expecting and What to Expect the First Year and probably even What to Expect the Toddler Years on your book shelf. You call your OB when the baby kicks too hard or too soft. You spend the last half of your pregnancy wondering if you'll know when you're really and labor and even when you are in labor you wonder if you're really in labor. When you have the baby, you call the ped when he has a fever of 98.9 only to be told to calm down. You have the ped's number on speed dial and soon know every nurse by first name. They get sick of seeing you because you're constantly bringing the baby into the office. You write down everything that goes in and out of your baby for the first three months. When he starts sleeping through the night you wake up in a panic for at least a month and rush into his room to check on him - thus waking him up and disturbing his peaceful sleep. When the baby starts crawling, you pad the entire house in rubber - to the point where it would have been cheaper to put him in a rubber room. The first time he bumps his head, you cry more than he does (and you call the ped's office). When he starts walking, you look into toddler sized knee pads and helmets because every rubber padded point in the house looks deadly. At his first birthday, because you read online that he should be saying so many words, you start obsessively listening to every sylabol that comes out of his little mouth and then attempt to interpret it into a word. When you go to the park, you hover so close to him that you'd be better off climbing on the equipment with him - but the equipment isn't built for adults so you'd probably fall off sooner than he would. By the time he's two, you're strung out and tired. You haven't really slept in two years.

And then you find out you're pregnant with your second baby. Because you haven't slept in two years, you've managed to forget most of what happened with your first pregnancy. You do, however, remember the looks the OB nurses gave you when you called in every other day. So you don't call nearly as often. You dig out the What to Expect series again when you have questions instead of pestering your OB as often. You may still over react a little but you're far less of a pest and the nurses don't give you the look anymore. When your baby is about due, you start to have a little freak out about how your toddler is going to handle you being gone for a couple days and the new baby. You start reading about ways to introduce the siblings. You even find a sibling class for your toddler so he is properly prepared. After you have the baby, you once again chart everything that goes in and out of the baby; but this time for only a couple weeks. You now let the fever get to around 100 before you start pestering the peds' office. You only dig out about half the rubber baby proofing and while you hug and kiss your baby when he falls, you don't cry about every fall. You only freak out for a couple weeks when the baby starts sleeping through the night. When you take both your kids to the park you try to flit between your now preschooler and your soon to be toddler but your preschooler gets more and more freedom. When he falls and scratches himself up you kiss it and make it better and send him on his way. It's now been over 4 years since you've really slept, your preschooler is getting ready for Pre-Kindergarten and your "baby" is almost 2.

And then you find out you're pregnant with number three! You call you OB when you're in labor or bleeding. You chart the eating and pooping patterns of your newborn for your stay in the hospital only because the nurses ask you every hour. You call your ped's office when the temperature hits 102. You let your 4 year old change your 2 year olds diaper because you're busy with the baby. You don't bust out any of the rubber padding for the edges or walls. You inwardly celebrate when the baby doesn't start crawling until she's 9 months old because she mostly stays where you put her for so much longer. When you take all three of them to the park, you let the other two do their thing while you hold the baby.


Okay so some of it's an exaggeration. ;) But you get the general idea.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Terms of Endearment

Around here, you might ofter hear me call my kiddos any of the following: spawn, munchkins, monsters, demons, monkeys, wee beasties, etc. You get the idea. Some people find these terms funny and endearing, they know I'm just joking around. They recognize that I have three kids, four years and under and realize that these kids might drive me a little more crazy on a daily basis.

But when I go out and refer to them as any of these things in public - I mostly get looks. Not all of them are bad looks; occasionally I get a sympathetic look from a knowing parent. Sometimes it's mostly a raised eyebrow - not so much a bad thing but a curious thing. Then there are the people that look on with blatant disapproval of my endearing term. Never mind that their little angel just pulled down a rack of clothes and is now halfway across the store on a quest to do who knows what while they look at me like I have three heads and just threw a kid into a wall or something. Okay, maybe they aren't ALL like that. Some of them only look at me like I have three heads.

In all honesty, I love my monsters. They drive me crazy at home and going out of the house with them is like a one way trip to the insane asylum but I still love them. I think I'm allowed to call them monsters and demons once in awhile. Or always.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Early Grey's Anatomy

While I still love Grey's Anatomy even now - there is something to be said for early Grey's Anatomy. MerDer in season 1 was just fun and flirty, then in season 2 it was so easy to hate Addison (which is hard to think about seeing Addison now). I finished season 2 tonight - with the super hot Prom scene (the hotness was marginally ruined by the whole Denny dying thing though). And the first episode of season 3, with Izzy all lying on the floor - lots of awesome character development there. Did I mention that I love this show?

I started watching Grey's Anatomy mid-season in season 2. It was the Bomb in the Body episode I think. I got hooked from the start and quickly netflixed season 1. I ended up buying them all so now I can have my own Grey's Anatomy marathons. Which is what I've been doing lately.

On another note - I have stuff being delivered by UPS, USPS and FedEx on Monday - lots of stuff! And I'm so super excited about it. Anyone else getting deliveries? Gets me excited, even though I know it's coming and what's coming, it's like a mini-Christmas for me. In all of that should be backdrops and a new lens so I look forward to torturing my children next week! The backdrop stand arrived today and is very cool - would be cooler with backdrops though. Look forward to fun fun pictures of the torture sessions.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tumbling Toddlers

I've shown Jadzia and Inara the idea of tumbling (like gymnastics) before and every time I do it, they go through a few days of wanting to do it constantly. Today, every time I turned around, Inara was bent over waiting for me to help her get her legs over. It completely cracks her up. By the end of the day she could get herself over on her own about half the time. Jadzia could do it almost every time. It was highly entertaining to watch!

Meanwhile Anya has been a wee cranky little beastie today for unknown reasons.

And the Girl Scout cookies I ordered are en route to me; yeah that'll be good for the healthy eating, fitness thing...*note the sarcasm* BUT, it's Thin Mints - a once a year treat that I embrace happily.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A little bit of Awesome

To start my day off, Anya slept from 10PM last night until 8AM this morning! While I don't expect repeats of that just yet - it is still awesome! If I'm really, super lucky she might do it again...and again. Maybe it will even become a habit! Wouldn't that be a kick?

After breakfast we ran to the Clothing and Sales store to get something for Robby, which they only had one of the two things we needed so we'll have to go back. While there I found these cute stuffed bears dressed in uniforms. I bought one for Jadzia in a PT uniform (her choice) and one for Inara in ACUs. We hit the Post Office after to mail some books out ("me-ah mail").

So we have had $100+ in change sitting in a jug on top of the refrigerator for awhile now. You see, our bank doesn't have a branch here in Hawaii so I can't take them there to deposit it and the coin counting machines take like 9-10%, plus you have to go through the line and everything else. With three kids, it's just a pain to go to a store I don't usually go to, wait in line and lose $10+ in the process. So I've never bothered and it just keeps growing. Well today I found out that you can get eCertificates for various stores/sites with free counting of the money (no losing 10%). So I looked up the nearest machine and we went - I ended up with a a $122 Amazon certificate! I LOVE Amazon! I intended to get some books, maybe a couple movies, something for the kids maybe but when I went I found a TON of books that I wanted with major bargain prices! I ended up spending $83 of it on 19 books, with free shipping!

After going to the coinstar machine, we popped over to the Goodwill nextdoor just to look around. I didn't really mean to buy anything and yet I walked out with a cute new skirt for Jadzia, a new Boppy pillow, a musical toy for Anya, three princess dolls for the girls (Ariel for Jadzia, Cinderella for Inara and Belle for Anya) and three baskets that I'll use for their Easter baskets. And it was only $15 for it all with a military discount. Have I mentioned that it was a super awesome day?

Yeah, it has been! I got to talk to Robby again who has been away for a couple days. He rocked and impressed people which means he'll have to go out more - that part it less awesome to me. But that's the job I guess.

Still, awesomeness all around. Oh and I'm having a little Grey's Anatomy marathon - old school Grey's! Early Addison is so easy to dislike.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Wizard of Oz

I've mentioned Jadzia's obsession with The Wizard of Oz before. When we were at Walmart a few weeks ago, I saw these sparkling red shoes so I bought them. They're a size bigger than what she wears now because they didn't have any in her size. My theory was that she could be Dorothy for Halloween. She has her own opinions on things but I managed to plant the idea in her head and she's totally on board with it right now. Of course Halloween is months away and her opinion could change before then.

But she's gone beyond just her being Dorothy. She things I should be the Scarecrow (um...maybe). Inara should be the Tin Man - easy enough. Anya should be the Cowardly Lion (I can find a baby lion costume easily enough). And she also things we should bring Gimli with us to be Toto (yeah not gonna happen).

Seeing as this will probably be the last year I can follow a theme, I hope she sticks with it. By next year, there's a chance Inara will have her own opinions on her costume that won't mesh with Jadzia's plans.

On another note - it's been raining all day and my yard is a swamp now. I won't let the dogs go outside from more than three minutes to do their business because otherwise they come in covered in mud.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reading Challenge Update

Goal 80 books in 2009
January: 12 books
February: 14 books

Total so far: 26

Monday Media Madness!

Okay so really it's a catch up picture blog; the media are the pictures - I just wanted it to be MMM. I shared the Playground pictures yesterday, now it's time for a few others. :)





Sunday, March 1, 2009

Long Awaited Playground Pictures!

I know I've mentioned going to the playgrounds around base a few times and I keep mentioning pictures and then not sharing any, well that's because I hadn't edited them. But now I have so here's a collection! This is at least 4 different days over the last couple of weeks! Enjoy!

Okay enough playgrounds! Time to kiss goodnight!