Friday, March 13, 2009

Bribary or Allowance?

If 4 years old too young for an "allowance"? Or am I just bribing her? As I've mentioned before, Jadzia's "chore" each day is cleaning up the play room at the end of the day. She always does it but often with some reluctance or painstakingly slowly. But she does it. When my dad sent her 5$ for Valentines Day she was so thrilled to have this money and so excited to "spend" it. She made sure to give it to me when we checked out and everything. It was awesome.

So today I decided to "encourage" her to clean up the playroom fairly quickly and well. I told her if she cleaned it up really well and quickly, she'd get a star or check or happy face for the day and if at the end of the week she had at least 5 stars (etc), she'd get 2$. Then I added that if she had them for all 7 days she'd get 3$. She was very excited about this prospect and she cleaned up the playroom so well tonight. It wasn't super fast but she did a good job. So she got a star. I made a little chart for her to see her progress and everything. It is a chore so she deserves a reward for it I think. Is 4 too young for such an allowance? :) Oh well, it worked for now so onward, now I guess I need to get cash out of an ATM so I have dollars to give her.

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