Monday, March 23, 2009

There's a mouse in my house

First off, thanks for the comments on yesterday's particularly depressing post. Going home to visit is not really an option - well it is but it would probably be more of a headache than enjoyable. Aside from having to travel alone with 3 young children, there would the dog kenneling and ultimately I think I'd come back more crazy than when I left. Thankfully, my parents come to me at least. It's not the same as stepping foot in Texas but it's nice. My dad is coming in June and I think my mom is going to try come this winter but I'm not sure yet. Robby's leave will be in August or September sometime so I have things to look forward to. I was feeling particularly nostalgic last night which helped trigger the homesickness to a degree I think.


Last week, my neighbor said her husband saw a mouse in their house. Well seeing as we live in a duplex style house and share a wall - if there was in fact a mouse, it makes sense that said mouse might make it's way over to our house as well. Nevertheless, neither she nor I saw any mouse or any indication of a mouse (such as droppings, gnawing, etc). Well this morning, I saw the mouse. I saw a bit of gray out of the corner of my eye and it moved. At first I thought it was a dog hair tumbleweed that Bluto is nice enough to shed all over the house. I glanced over and focused on it and realized it was not in fact a dog hair tumbleweed, but a little gray mouse. Now I don't have any particular qualms about rodents in general. I don't like rats exactly but mice don't really bother me - or they wouldn't if they were running on a little wheel in a cage or out in a field. This mouse is loose. In my house. I don't like the mouse. Gimli was outside when I spotted the mouse, otherwise I suspect our mouse problem would have been over before it started. As it is, when I let him inside, he instantly smelled the mouse and was all over the area I'd seen the little fella. I suspect the mouse scurried under the dishwasher once he moved but I didn't see where he went. I haven't seen him since this morning but everytime a feel something brush against my leg (like a dog, a kid, a light breeze) I nearly jump out of my skin. Anyway, pest people are coming tomorrow.


And now for something slightly more cheery, the musical stylings of Jadzia (I hope this works!)

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